The famous Hollywood Actress Halle Berry once said – Everybody has secrets and there are some things that nobody knows about you ! In relation to keeping secrets one of the biggest headaches of computer users is :
How do they hide their confidential and important files ? There are more than a thousand ways of hiding files and folders eg : using a software (folder lock) or creating a series of folders and sub-folders.
But have a look at the most simplest and effective way of hiding files :
Steps to HIDE the file :
- Say for example you have an important MS-Word file called “Accounts” which contains your important financial data and accounts.
- goto Control Panel – Folder Options – goto View Tab
- Uncheck the Option : “Hide Extensions for Known File Types” – this action will display the extensions of files in the computer
- Click Apply and OK
- Now the file “Accounts” will be displayed as “Accounts.doc”
- Rename the file from “Accounts.doc” to “accts.rrr”. You can give any filename and any extension instead of “.rrr” but ensure that the extension is not associated with any other program.
- The Computer will ask you for confirmation – Click Yes
- The file icon will change
Steps to VIEW the file :
- Open the program in which the file can be view, in the above example, open MS-Word
- Drag the file to the Application (MS-Word) (as shown in the picture below)
- Thats it – you can view it
CAUTION before using this technique : remember the filename and the location as-to-where have you stored the file. You can use this method with other file types also like : audio, video, presentation etc.